“ I Have Done A Lot Of Trainings And Yours Was By Far The Best”
"This entire experience was a great step to more yin for myself. I appreciate that this training was 100 hours. I needed that amount of time to fully get it and to have the time to process it. I also liked having the weeks in between. I appreciate the idea of the home practice. It is a nice reminder that we don't always have to go to a class. Just be you - look inward. It is easy to think the answer is outside and we need to do something else or get something else. But we have the answers we just need to be quiet enough and aware enough to hear them.
Your entire style of teaching, talking, creating that yin in the training as well as in our lives was amazing. I appreciate all your efforts and teaching style. Being a school teacher your style was very clear to me. Honestly, I have done a lot of trainings and yours was by far the best. And the only one that used power point. You definitely would receive an A :)."
— Jenny C.
“Helped Me To Incorporate Yin Into My Life”
TJ's passion, love for yin yoga and his excitement for sharing it through teaching made the training exceptional. I had practiced some yin yoga and wanted to enhance my understanding of it. The comprehensiveness of the training not only enhanced my understanding but helped me to incorporate yin into my life. I also felt prepared to teach and felt a desire to continue to delve deeper into many ideas presented.
— Wendy F.
“The Best Class I've Taken!”
TJ's Yin Yoga course was the best class I've taken! Smartly structured and realistically scheduled; I never felt tired of being in class. He made all aspects of this practice relatable. Through analogies, diagrams, and a variety of other ways of explaining things, I left with more of an understanding and in some cases, the beginning of an understanding of certain aspects that never connected with me. I'm looking forward to Level 2!!
— Teresa R.
“Has Had A Huge Effect On My Life"
I applied for this course new to Yin Yoga, with very little practice and experience. The beautiful location and teacher TJ put everything at ease. TJ's presence throughout the week was relaxed and caring which created a safe place for everyone to share openly different experiences which we all learned from. The theme of 'letting go' has had a huge effect on my life since the course, starting with just little things during the ten days and I'm still putting it into practice weeks later. I also still meditate, daily, 10 days of practice with Tj and experiencing different teqniques has played a huge part and understanding in my home practice. My Yin Yoga practice developed greatly over the week, learning every pose in depth has not only made me feel more connected with my mind and body during my practice's but I'm also knowledgeable and confident to teach. Tj is very knowledgeable and covered a wide range of topics creating a good balance I was continuously learning something new each day. The topics I enjoyed most were Chakras, Chi and Tao Te Ching. I would recommend this course to anyone. Especially if they need more Yin in their life!
— Lydia B.

“A Real Sense Of Community”
TJ's Yin teacher training is organized and informative while also being grounded in personal experience. TJ offers students background on traditions that have contributed to the Yin practice while also giving students space to shape their own understanding of Yin. TJ cultivates a real sense of community in the trainings and encourages students to support one another and grow even after graduating from the course. Despite his experience studying under some of the most iconic teachers of the Yin practice, TJ exudes a spirit of humility, kindness, and playfulness. TJ is a great facilitator, and his training is as accessible to newer students as it is to the most experienced yoga teachers.
— Amanda S.
“Empowered Me”
TJ's training empowered me to find more freedom in the ways I both practice and teach Yin. This experience has opened me up to trying new poses, incorporating complementary practices like meditation & Pranayama and trusting my own unique offerings as I share Yin with others.
— Amy R.
“A Life Changing Experience!”
The training was pretty magical! I feel like I got so much to bring home with me after the 8 days training. This style of yoga has shown me the other side of the coin to my practice and given me ways to find balance in my daily life. The experience was definitely something I will carry with me on my yoga journey. I would totally recommend the YUJMU training to somebody else! TJ is great teacher, his chilled out vibe made all the learning fun! One of the calmest, intelligent and loveliest guys I've ever met! (Great accent too!) His teaching style was very professional and the lecture screen presentations were structured logically and bullet points made things easy to understand. The accompanying TT booklet was a pleasure to have and beautifully thought out and designed. The structure of the training worked really well. The early 7am start was suprisingly good and the yin and meditation practices early on felt great. The breaks were divided up well too as there was alot of information to take on board and having time to grab snacks to power up was a really good way to keep us alert! I loved sitting on the floor for 8 days too!
I found the yin asana practice like a new gift I can share with my students. A new way to really connect more deeply to the inner self and release mental and physical tension. I found TJ's words on meditation most beneficial, and will continue to practice using the techniques he shared. I found looking at the Chakras and Chi exciting and TJ's passion for his chosen subjects infectious. It has really reiterated how important balance is in my my life and I feel that this training has opened my eyes and shed some light on things for me. The grounding practice of Yin is something I am really interested to explore further, as the nourishment gained from it has transformed my thinking. Maybe, I would even go so far as saying the training was a life changing experience! It has made me question my movements, or lack of them!! I now feel very open to revisiting Tai Chi once more, looking at Qi Gong and attending a meditation retreat! I never would have been brave enough to explore these paths but now I feel the time is now! I feel more open to change. The community that TJ created was a joy to be part of, and I hope I get to connect again in the future for further training.
I am not sure how I could improve the training. I found it to be of a very high standard. It was everything I was looking to learn about and more!!
I would have maybe liked to have the chance of teaching my colleagues earlier on maybe, just with standard asana, then having another go on the last day adding some non standard asana?? The certificate was also beautiful, and I will frame it as a keepsake from this wonderful experience of sharing and deep connection with my fellow yinsters!
— Helen B.
“I Now Feel Quite Empowered ”
I am so happy that i have kept up a daily meditation practice since and attended a weekly yin class and just like the water bucket analogy things are feeling easier & not so hectic.
The training made me realise how much i didn't know about the benefits of this practice. During my personal at home practice i know i was naturally going towards a slower style of movement & a more meditative approach, without mentally understanding why, my body needed to slow down. I think with the various health problems i have had this year and other emotional events that have gone on, when i think about it logically i can understand why i'm upset, and from pushing this emotion back and carrying on with life it has resulted in me becoming a nervous, anxious & confused person.
I enjoyed our week of training so much!! it made me realise i do have the confidence to do things that i thought i couldnt, i can learn things that i thought id never be clever enough to understand and it took me away from my normal busy routine to do something that benefitted me - i now feel quite empowered and i am hoping i can hold on to this confidence to continue to do things that i've been pushing away. Your style of teaching was incredibly informative and i was engaged the entire time, im not sure i can offer any advise for changes - maybe change where you live & move to Bristol?!?!?!?!
Since the training i have made some positive changes in my life in hope to feel more balanced and every day be more sustainable. Before the training i worked 14 hour days 6 days a week, early starts & late finishes, i was exhausted! I now work 32 hours a week over 4 days, i have 3 days off for me, my dog and my hobbies - a huge weight has been lifted! Im going to more yoga classes to meet new people instead of hiding in my spare room. I have entered some more challenging races, a few have gone really well! Running is a great movement meditation for me!
— Jodie W.
“I Loved Everything!”
I recently completed TJ Maher's Yin Yoga Teacher Training Modules 1, 2 & 3. I have been a lover of Yin practice for over two years and don't intend to teach, I simply wanted a deeper understanding of the nuances beyond what I'd learned from my other Yin instructors. Having taken a couple of Yin classes taught by TJ, I was super excited when I learned he'd be leading teacher training. While I'll admit I did think twice when I saw the price, I have absolutely no regrets. It was obvious that TJ put a lot of thought and effort into the content, how it was organized and the course materials. I loved that the way the modules were structured only demanded that I devote one weekend a month for three consecutive months so I didn't have any trouble fitting it into my already busy life. I got a lot out of the entire class but was particularly interested in the origins of Yin, anatomy, deconstructing the asanas, meditation, chakras, meridian lines, well, ok, I loved everything!
— Stacy L.

“One Of The Best Decisions I've Made”
Thank you TJ for such a wonderful week. I went into the course quite apprehensively, hoping to learn how to create more balance in my own life and it is one of the best decisions I've made. You are an inspiring and engaging teacher and created such a nurturing space for us to learn, delivering your carefully considered content with such grace. It's not an exaggeration to say that the course has been truly life changing for me and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from you. I cannot recommend this course highly enough.
— Sarah M.
“Exceeded My Expectations”
As regards the YUJMU training I would definitely recommend it to friends - and in fact I already have. I was confident it would be of a really high standard based on Jess and her fabulous studio & the great teachers she has there but it exceeded my expectations.
I thought the content was great - obviously all the individual subjects covered in the lectures i.e. Anatomy & physiology, chakras meditation etc are huge subjects in themselves and it is difficult to condense enough knowledge into the short space of time we had to make sense of it and to give us the knowledge we needed but I thought you did this very well - I feel that you have awakened my interest in a lot of these subjects and I have been ordering books like crazy off amazon as I can't wait to broaden my knowledge.
I loved that you kept the chakra & meridian lecture very real as I feel I can introduce this in conversation to clients & friends who are interested in the physical & mental benefits of yoga without scaring them off with 'hippie talk'.
When I first saw the course advertised I was telling my friend about it over the phone & told her I would love to do it but really couldn't afford it as we needed to spend money on our house - my husband overheard the conversation & suggested I sold a diamond bracelet he gave me as a gift when we first met. I felt guilty about this as the bracelet was a gift & thought that if I did sell it I should use the money on the house. My husband said the bracelet was a present to me so I should spend the money from it on myself. I rarely wear jewellery so he thought I would get more from the yoga course - he was definitely right - this training has been worth hundreds of diamond bracelets to me & I don't feel selfish spending the money on myself now as I feel that my family & friends have benefited from this course through the changes in me.
Thank you so much for helping make those changes - I feel excited to carry on my training now.
— Kathy M.
“So Much Love For This!!”
I absolutely loved TJ's teacher training! I learnt so much: the training was really well-structured and there was such a breadth of knowledge being imparted throughout the week. Even as a yin teacher, I felt like I was learning new things and widening my knowledge. I can't praise TJ enough for the lectures; for the structure, subjects, depth and breadth of knowledge, and how they were taught. I feel like we all came away with a very solid, well-rounded base of knowledge.
Equally important, TJ created such a warm and open atmosphere during the training. It made the training very special. We had a beautiful sharing circle each day, where people felt comfortable enough to open up about their feelings and emotions. We also had very interesting discussions and conversations during some of the lectures. TJ was always open to questions and insights from others, which meant everybody learnt from everybody. It was a delight to be taught by TJ, and I would recommend the training to anyone and everyone! So much love for this!!
— Lisette H.
“Definitely Appreciating My Fascia More”
I want to express my gratitude to TJ for guiding me through a well subjected and throughly engaging Yin Teacher Training Course . You have given me the tools and desire to explore more deeply subjects such as the history of Yin and its relationship with the Tao, the Anatomy , the Chakras and the Meridians. Most importantly I came away with an in-depth understanding and ability to apply the Yin Asanas through your gentle and professional coaching . The course was challenging at times but never boring and I am definitely appreciating my fascia more after the 100 hours ! I really feel I have not just learned a great deal about Yin but also how to be a better teacher . I would recommend this course to anyone wishing to teach Yin even if they previously had no Yoga teacher training .Thank you TJ for your inspiration and wisdom .